Industry Information

Selection of Refractory Materials for Shuttle Kiln

At present, shuttle kilns have been widely used in industries such as ceramics, refractory materials, electrical porcelain and building materials. In the modern ceramic industry, art ceramics and daily-use ceramics are also fired in shuttle kilns. During the operation of the shuttle kiln, the temperature, atmosphere, pressure and various flow rates in the kiln are often changed due to changes in external conditions or internal factors.

Structure characteristics and service temperature of fused zirconia corundum bricks

The main refractory material used in the kiln in the glass industry is fused zirconium corundum refractory bricks, which account for 70% of the entire market. Far East Refractories produces mass production of fused zirconium corundum bricks, which are closely related to batch composition, melting, pouring, annealing and other processes. Check to ensure the production quality of each brick. The following editor summarizes the structural characteristics and use temperature of fused zirconia corundum, let’s take a look!
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